Thursday, 15 July 2010

American 3rd Party Policies. Response to Platforms and Parties in General.

Constitution Party- In general I think this party is a very large contradiction. It follows such a strict following of a document that was written over two hundred years ago that it does not allow for changes in society and government since that time. While the party states that it promotes religious freedom on the grounds of the Constitution, it also uses the Bible and Christian Doctrine to back up its Party Platform arguments. It uses a few letters from the time to back up this opinion. Had the Party done its homework, it would have found that many of the individuals that we look at as our founding fathers were deists such as James Madison, John Adams and potentially (it cannot be proven, though they did have deist tendencies) Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Paine, which today would be called an agnostic, meaning that they believe in God, but not necessarily one religion or any religion to contain God.

Communist Party- Personally I find Communism to be a good idea in theory but not so much in practice. It seems that every attempt so far has resulted in a totalitarian regime. I have found the more Socialist Practices of the Communist Party of the United States of America to be much more realistic than the violent overthrow of Capitalism that Marx and Lenin had foreseen. I find the Bill of Rights Socialism to be a refreshing revision of the Communist Party and while still slightly overidealistic, does contain revisions to Communism such as environmental reform and religious freedom that appear to make the Party less radical and more acceptable to the average citizen.

Pacifist Party- Personally I have found this Party to be overly idealistic. While I may agree with most of what they have to say, I don’t think it is a realistic view. Violence is wrong, but it will most likely always be there. Should the United States simply open its borders and accept anyone who wants to come in and dismantle our military, there is no way to protect citizens should an emergency arise. I do agree that our defense system is way larger than it should be I do not think it would be prudent to get rid of it all together. While there is so much hatred in the world simply letting anyone in the country could allow for terrorists or people with international criminal records against humanity to simply enter the country without worry. We would have no idea who was in the country or not. I do however, find their opinion of nationalized healthcare, education family and environment to be a positive one and definitely one worth working towards.


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