Thursday, 15 July 2010

German 3rd Party Policies. Response to Platforms and Parties in General.

I have to admit that working with the NPD's homepage and trying to find information about certain issues was quite simple, since the party really seems to have an opinion on everything. You just have to type in a key word and get what you are looking for. The problem I have with this party is not the easy way you can find information, but the kind of information you get. I have tried to be as objective as possible while working on the blog, but when I read things like Arbeit zuerst für Deutsche (jobs for Germans first) or Heimreise statt Einreise (homeward journey instead of entry) I found it quite hard not to become too subjctive. If I had to describe my impression of the NPD in three words, these would be:
Undemocratic. Reactionary. Racist.

If I did another blog project on 3rd parties, I would not go for the DKP again. Trying to get information from their homepage was not very satisfying. I had the impression that the party solely uses communism as an argument for everything. They hardly seem to seize on current issues, which would explain that the average of age of the members is outstandingly high compared to other German parties. In three words:
Lefty. Pugnacious. Outdated.

The PBC is the by far least spectacular of the three parties. On the surface it is the only party that does not want to change the political system of Germany completely – on the surface. Anyway I found it quite puzzling that the PBC prefers a bible based jurisdiction to our present one. I'm wondering in how far the party could be expected to cope with realpolitik, if in power. The bible is, objectively speaking, taken much more seriously and literally by the PBC than by the vast majority of the German population, hence the PBC only is a 3rd party, not a major party. In three words:
Evangelical. One-sided. Un-zeitgeisty.


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