Saturday, 19 June 2010

American 3rd Party Policies. Family Values and Educational Policy.

Constitution Party states, “No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations as affirmed by the 10th amendment delegating the people as our founders understood the family as necessary to general welfare.” The party platform goes on to state that God saw marriage as the union between one man and one woman, that there should be no special protections for sex offenders due to the fact that creating labels such as sexual orientation/hate crime only legitimizes offensive behavior, and states that there should be no government funding of partner benefits to couples who are not married. The Constitution Party also states that there should be no recognition of Homosexual unions and such individuals should not be allowed to whether they are single or in a union be allowed to adopt. The Platform also states that parents should have to freedom to educate, discipline and nurture their children according to their values.
Constitution Party-“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The Party states that it is the parents job to educate the children since religion and God’s will should play such a large role in the topic and the Party is against the combination of church and state.

The Communist Party’s view on family values is that of “Bill of Rights Socialism.” This means that while the government has complete control of the industrial sector, the individual is guaranteed complete individual freedoms. This area of ideology in the Communist Party also declares their affiliation for workers rights, the rights of everyone for sexual orientation including the GLBT community, rights for young and elderly individuals in order to live according to their personal beliefs.
Communist Party- is a great promoter of the public education system. Based on the system of government owned and sponsored industry, the school system is included in this and the public school system would be reformed to be more socialist with schools receiving more equal funding than is currently received.

The Pacifist Party’s Family Values Platform states that they are working to end sexual and religious discrimination in the United States. The Party is in favor of international family planning programs and sexual education within the United States and the rest of the international community.
Pacifist Party- does not have a clear platform on education. It does say in the immigration section of the Party Platform that the abolition of the Defense Program would provide health and education to immigrants, so one could assume that the monetary gains would go to the education of the citizens of the United States as well, however there is no definite evidence of this.


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