Saturday, 19 June 2010

American 3rd Party Policies. Environmental Policy.

Constitution Party believes that “the powers not delegated to the United States Government by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reverted to the states respectively or the people” This makes Environmental Policy to be more in the realm of control of individual states. The Party goes on to say that the responsibility of the people is to be “prudent, productive and efficient stewards of God’s natural resources.” The Constitution Party approves of efforts to prevent pollution and preserve the environment. However, it does not believe that Global Warming is a real threat, but rather a term thrown around by Globalist’s in order to “gain control of worldwide sustainable development.” Because the 5th Amendment limits the use of federal purchase for public use not public ownership, the Party does not condone the use of public property for urban renewal, environmental protection or historical preservation. In addition the Party is against legislation such as Federal Wastelands Legislation, the Endangered Species Act and UN Environmental Protection Programs such as UNESCO as they reduce the United States sovereign rights and the right of the citizen to private property.

The Communist Party Platform on Environmental Policy states “we are for developing policy that provides for a sustainable economy and a sustainable ecology. Where possible we participate in environmental movements and recognize and work on the environmental aspects of struggles on the shop floors and unions.” The Environmental policy continues to describe why capitalist systems are not good for the environment by saying that “Capitalist industrial development is based on not having to pay the costs for most of the waste products it generates. When socialist countries used that as a model to develop their own industry they ended up with the same skewed waste model.” The Party continues to state that they are against drilling for oil Alaska as well as nuclear power. Should nuclear power be disposed of in a safe way then the party would be willing to change their stance. They are also against the exposure of untested chemicals to the workers of any company due to the potential health and environmental risks. They would like sustainable forest practices because it is not only better for sustaining the environment but it would also provide job growth.

Pacifist Party describes their Environmental Policy as working to end Global Warming by implementing a Crash Program and utilize solar bower based on solar generating systems. They would prefer limited or very controlled use of fossil fuels and want to disuse all nuclear power plants not only in the United States, but worldwide. If there must be a nuclear power plant then it must be placed under international control. The Party also calls for an end to the privatization of logging, grazing and oil drilling on public lands along with creating a tax for industries which pollute in order to create incentives for pollution reduction and to obtain funding for new environmental protection agencies.


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