Friday, 18 June 2010

German 3rd Party Policies. A brief introduction.

In this blog I would like to focus on three of the so called German ''3rd parties''. Throughout the next weeks I will present their policies regarding immigration, education, taxation etc. Today I would like to start with a brief introduction of the parties, which belong to very different political camps.

  1. Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party of Germany), NPD:

The NPD was founded in 1964. The party's aim is a ''national democracy'', which is based on the idea of a homegenous German population and anti-capitalistic elements. The present German democracy, combined with social market economy is seen as an outdated political model (Demoliberalism), which contradicts the NPD's idea of the satisfaction of needs of the German people. Although democracy is officially affirmed, it is stated that it needs pre-democratic elements to be solid. The party calls this model The third way. Today the party has about 7.000 members and is categorised as right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

  1. Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (German Communist Party), DKP:

The DKP was founded in 1968 since its predecessor, the KPD, had been outlawed. The party can be seen as a conservative communist party (orthodox communism), since it refuses all ideas off rather progressive euro-communist parties as social-democracy and still represents leninist ideas and ideology. Nontheless the party is strictly pacifist and supports a democratic way to communism. Today the party has about 4.200 members and is categorised as left-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

  1. Partei Bibeltreuer Christen (Party of Bible-Abiding Christians), PBC:

The PBC was founded in 1989 by Pentecostals. Today about 50% of the party's members belong to free-churches, while about 40% are members of (protestant) national churches, which leads to a predominantly evangelical character. The PBC wants to achieve a democratic political system based on the messages of the bible. They are explicitly against abortion, homosexual relationships, divorce, anti-christian influences (Islam) and hyperxenesis. Three of the party's main concerns are the strengthening of families as the smallest social units within the nation, a stronger reference to God in the Basic Law and an intensified support of Israeli politics. The party has about 3.700 members and is not observed by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.


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