Saturday, 19 June 2010

German 3rd Party Policies. Environmental Policy.

The NPD states that the German environment is a cultural environment and hence needed for cultural development. Unrestrained economic growth will, according to the NPD homepage, lead to alienation of nature and man and therefore to a loss of culture. All enterprises ought to be tested for their environmental sustainability since it is more important than profit. The party supports subsidisation of farms, even in areas, which are hard to cultivate. Although the party is not explicitly against nuclear power, alternative energy should be given more financial support by the government. In addition to that the NPD maintains the extension of animal protection and opposes genetically changed food.

According the the manifesto of the DKP, communists are fully committed to work against global warming, the destruction of ecological systems, the profusion of resources, the monopolisation of energy supply and the transport of nuclear waste. The party supports an immediate nuclear phase-out and and the permission of genetically changed food should be decided via plebiscite.

The PBC advocates a careful commerce with God's creation. Children should be concientised for environmental protection at school and a long-term nuclear phase-out and alternative energy research are affirmed. Global warming is seen as a real threat. The party's main aim in this context is an increasing independance of the Gulf States: "Every wind turbine, every solar cell are a little declaration of independance: Independance from Gazprom and independance from the sheikhs and mullahs from the Persian Gulf." In addition to that the PBC states that God's biodiversity has to be protected, which leads to a demand for less animal testing and better animal protction.


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